New England Greek Orthodox family Participates in Yet Another Historic Event
September 15, 2006
More than 1500 members of the Greek Orthodox Family of New England gathered at the St. Methodios Faith & Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH on September 10 to witness and participate in yet another milestone in this historic Metropolis. During the annual Open House of the Faith & Heritage Center which began with an Hierarchical Liturgy in the Chapel of St. George, followed by the blessing of the waters and the retrieval of the cross from the lake by camper James Scangas, Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, Clergy and Laity broke ground for the Retreat House which will be constructed on the shore of a magnificent lake on the 199-acre property. Metropolitan Methodios thanked God and all the faithful who made it possible to dare to “dream the impossible dream” and make that dream a reality.