OXI Day Will be Celebrated Sunday, November 1
Dr. Georgios Th. Mavrogordatos, the Constantine Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, will be the keynote speaker at the Commemoration of OXI Day, October 28, 1940 which will be held on Sunday, November 1, 2:30 p.m. at the Maliotis Cultural Center in Brookline, MA. The Annual Commemoration is sponsored by the Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of New England in cooperation with the Metropolis of Boston, the Consulate General of Greece, the Greek Schools and the Maliotis Center. In addition to the keynote speaker, the event will also feature traditional Greek Dance Performances and Poetry Recitations by the students of the Greek schools. A reception will follow the program. Everyone is invited to participate at this event which marks an historic day not only for Greece but for all freedom loving people. Click here