Happy Birthday Your Eminence!
The New England Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate host a dinner every November to celebrate the birthday of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston. The festive occasion affords the opportunity to Archons and their guests to wish Metropolitan Methodios Happy Birthday and to enjoy fellowship with him and each other. This year's event was attended by 80 Archons and guests, including Massachusetts Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Christy Mihos and his wife Andrea. Mr. Mihos is an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Metropolitan Methodios, Consul General of Greece in Boston, Constantine Orphanides, Christos and Mary Papoutsy.
Metropolitan Methodios with Andrea and Christy Mihos.
Metropolitan Methodios, Consul General Constantine Orphanides and his mother, Mrs. Stella Orphanides.
Metropolitan Methodios with, left to right: Prof. Lewis Patsavos, a new New England Archon, Teddy Arvanites, Dr. Marica Arvanites, Mrs. Madeline Anton, Mr. Arthur C. Anton, Miss Fotini tournas, Mrs. Tess Angelus.
Presenting Metropolitan Methodios a donation for the Retreat House at the St. Methodios Faith & Heritage Center were the Commander of the NE Archons, Gregory Demetrakas, left, and Angelo Stamoulis, who organized the evening's event.
Left to right: New Archon Demetrios Seremetis and his wife Pauline, Metropolitan Methodios, Eleftheria and John Dallas.
Effie and John Lagadinos with Metropolitan Methodios.
Metropolitan Methodios with Kate and Michael Sintros. Michael, the Director of the St. Methodios Faith & Heritage Center, updated the Archons on the progress of this beacon of Orthodoxy and Hellenism and showed a video of the September Door Opening Ceremonies of the Retreat House.
Metropolitan Methodios with, left to right: the V. Rev. Joachim Cotsonis, the Director of the Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Center at Hellenic College-Holy Cross, Prof. Evie Zachariades-Holmberg, Prof. Eleni Perdicoyanni, Prof. Maria Kakavas-Tamis, Fr. George and Presbytera Asimina.
Ekaterina and George Demeter with Metropolitan Methodios.
Left to right: John Gianakouras, Metropolitan Methodiso, Mary Barounis, Rita Gianakouras, Fotios Barounis.
Left to right: Prof. Evie Zachariades-Holmberg, Metropolitan Methodios, Lee Tamis, Maria Kakava-Tamis, Prof. Eleni Perdicoyanni.
Left to right: Gregory Demetrakas, Emmanuel Mihaelidis, Metropolitan Methodios, Prof. Lewis Patsavos.