Metropolis Celebrates Feast of Saint Andrew
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios welcomed Cardinal Sean O'Malley and many clergy and laity to the Vesper Service celebrating the Feast of Saint Andrew on Monday. November 29 in the Cathedral Chapel in Brookline. Prior to the Vespers, Metropolitan Methodios met with Cardinal Sean in his office in the Metropolis Center where he presented him with a mosaic especially made for the Cardinal by iconographer George Papastamatiou. In the Chapel Metropolitan Methodios welcomed the Cardinal saying,
" Your Eminence,
"It is with great joy that I greet you this evening in this Cathedral chapel where we have gathered to celebrate the Feast of Saint Andrew, Patron Saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and of this Metropolis.
"Far away in the city of Constantinople, Cardinal Kurt Koch is leading a delegation of clergy representing His Holiness Pope Benedict at the Phanar. For years now here in Boston, we emulate the example of our Mother Churches that celebrate together the Feasts of their Patron Saints---Saints Peter and Paul in June and Saint Andrew in November, saints whose memories inspire us to be a witness to our Christian Faith in the world in which we live.
"Our two Churches have pursued with great dedication the path towards the reestablishment of full communion which was enjoyed during the first millennium. The theological dialogues between our two churches----the international but also the dialogue of theologians here in America, have enabled us to grow in friendship and mutual respect. Our two Churches courageously face difficult issues which remain as obstacles in our journey to full communion. Despite these difficulties we continue to work together in the service of God’s people. In these challenging times our two Churches continue to defend the dignity of the human person. They continue to affirm fundamental ethical values. Our two Churches continue to promote justice and peace and respond to human suffering throughout the world, especially hunger and poverty.
"Your Eminence, the clergy and laity of this Metropolis are thankful to God for your courageous leadership of the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and for the sterling example you provide men and women of all faiths".
Following the Service everyone enjoyed fellowship during a reception hosted by the Metropolisof Boston Philoptochos Board in the Metropolis Center.
On Tuesday, November 30, the Feast of Saint Andrew Metropolitan Methodios and most of the New England Clergy and area faithful fathered in the Cathedral Chapel for the Divine Liturgy which was followed by refreshments int he Cathedral Center. Then, the Clergy Brotherhood held its monthly meeting and enjoyed fellowship during a luncheon which Metropolitan Methodios hosted int he Cathedral Center.