Metropolitan Methodios urges support of IOCC's program for Somalia
August 2, 2011
To the Rev. Clergy and Faithful in the Metropolis
Dearly Beloved Brethren,
Reading this morning’s N.Y. Times, I was greatly saddened to see a picture of a starving young child in Somalia. Over 500,000 children are at the risk of starvation. This is one of Africa’s worst humanitarian disasters in decades. Millions will die by the end of this year. The magnitude of suffering cannot be imagined.
Whether in Somalia or Haiti or other parts of the world, it is incumbent upon all of us Orthodox Christians to respond to the best of our abilities. We cannot ignore what is happening throughout the world – not to say in our very own cities and towns in America.
Please send whatever financial assistance you can to the IOCC – International Orthodox Christian Charities. You can be sure that your donation will reach the starving children of Somalia. Each child is the icon of Christ placed in our world to remind us that, “if you did it to one of these the least of my children you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:41)
With Episcopal love,
Metropolitan of Boston
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