AHEPA Family Youths Donate $9,000 to Philoxenia House
The Sons of Pericles, Junior Auxiliary of the Order of AHEPA, voted last year to support Greek families in need as their National Project. They found that the Philoxenia House in Boston, MA was the ideal foundation to benefit from their fundraising efforts. This house is intended to provide a home to Orthodox families seeking medical assistance in surrounding areas.
The Sons of Pericles worked hard throughout 2010 – 2011 raising funds by selling raffle tickets and collecting donations every chance they could, including at district conferences/conventions, regional conventions, and at the Supreme Convention in Miami, Florida. Furthermore, the largest contributions were made by individual chapters of the Sons of Pericles nationwide. They tirelessly raised money for the National Project by hosting various local events.
The contribution was presented to His Eminence, Metropolitan Methodios, at the Boston AHEPA Athens Chapter 24 Annual Christmas Party on December 10th, 2011. Representing the Sons of Pericles were their Supreme President, Manolis Sfinarolakis and Supreme Governor Jason Vergados.
This year the Sons of Pericles will be raising money in a joint effort with the Maids of Athena for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) in memory of Maria Karolidis. For more information, or to donate to their National Project, contact committee chairman Jason Vergados at j.vergados@sonsofpericles.com.