The Metropolis of Boston Council and St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center Meeting, February 15, 2012
The Metropolis of Boston Council and the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center Committee was held on February 15. Attending the meeting were Jerry Dimitriou, Director of Administration of the Archdiocese and Tony Stefanis from Atlanta, Georgia who is the Chairman of the Administration Committee of the Archdiocesan Council.
The various ministries of the Metropolis were thoroughly discussed including youth ministry, philanthropy, stewardship and finance. The summer and winter camp programs were of great interest to all attendees who were happy to hear that our outreach to our youth is growing. Mike Sintros, Director of the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center advised that all interested in the summer programs register early. Financial aid scholarships are available, as always, to children as they were in 2011 where over 197 scholarships were given.
Jerry Dimitriou presented a report on the finances of our Archdiocese and Tony Stefanis on the strategic plan process undertaken by the national church. Both referred to the upcoming Clergy Laity Conference in Phoenix, Arizona in July and the survey being mailed electronically to clergy and laity concerning the congress program.
The Metropolis Finance Committee presented audited reports for the year 2011 which appear in the Metropolis web page. Thanks to the responsible and generous participation of our 62 parishes, the Metropolis of Boston will receive $158,000 during the fiscal year 2012 to fund it’s outreach programs. Every parish in the Metropolis is strongly encouraged to establish an evangelism committee to coordinate the outreach of the local parish.