Clergy-Laity Workshops
Workshops presented will include many that are being offered in Atlanta during the Archdiocesan Clergy-Laity Congress this summer. By bringing national and local speakers together in our Local Assembly, we will afford all the leaders of the local parish to benefit from these ministry resources to enhance and support the work of the parish. Last year, over 350 people attended our Metropolis Clergy-Laity Conference which took place on at St. Demetrios Church in Weston, MA. Speakers from throughout the archdiocese were invited by Metropolitan Methodios to present workshops on issues relating to the entire scope of parish ministries—from the very young to the elderly—including Effective Stewardship, the Ministry of the Parish Council, the Profile of a ‘Successful Parish’, Turning around a Declining Parish, Helping Couples thrive, the family Friendly Church, young Professionals Ministry, Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Special Needs Ministry, and Parish nursing. Those who attended left the conference enthused, strengthened, and encouraged to return to their parish to continue the vitally important task of the teaching ministry of the Church. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios invites you to reserve the date of our 2010 Metropolis Clergy Laity Conference—October 2, 2010.
Workshops and Training Sessions
Each delegate will select only two of the following workshops:
- Stewardship 101 & 201
- Marriage and Family
- Internet Ministries & Information Technology
- Parish Council Ministry
- Parish Finances
- Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Also meeting during this conference:
- Metropolis Philoptochos Board
- New England Choir Federation
- Greek Education
- DOXA - Religious Education