Metropolis of Boston Summer Camp Session 1 2007
The Metropolis of Boston Youth Office has enjoyed an exciting first session of its Camp, with over 100 campers in attendance. The Metropolis of Boston Camp (MBC) has been steadily growing since its birth for a number of reasons. MBC reaches out to JOY and GOYA age youth of the Metropolis, offering a unique haven for Orthodox campers to come together and share in learning more about their Orthodox faith, join in fellowship with other Orthodox youth their age, and of course, have some fun! These three elements fuse together to create the critical mix that makes MBC a camp different than any other, giving just that little something extra to its campers, and truly instilling a sense of family in all involved - campers and staff.
MBC summer 2007's camp program will be revolving around the theme of the 12 major Feasts of the Greek Orthodox Orthodox Church. Campers will come together in Orthodox Life sessions to learn and discuss the 12 Feasts. In Sounding Board sessions, counselors will guide discussions pertaining to and in Sounding Board sessions to share how our faith is applied through experiences in our daily lives. Beyond the sessions focusing on discussions of faith, the program offers a variety of activities throughout the week-long session which provide an opportunity for fellowship between campers. Some of these activities include campfires, talent shows, glendi night, carnivals, Olympics, Big Brother/Big Sister, game night, beach parties, athletics, swimming, and much more. Several activities bring the entire camp together to participate as one, while others bring each age group together for fellowship.
MBC summer 2007 offers a total of five one-week long sessions during the months of July and August. The dates for the sessions are as follows: Session 1: July 11 -17; Session 2: July 18 - 24; Session 3: July 25 - 31; Session 4: August 1 - 7; Session 5: August 8 - 14. Applications are already being received at a rapid pace, and the Youth Office encourages registering early in order to secure the desired session. MBC invites any questions or concerns be directed to the Metropolis at 617.277.4742, and is eager for another wonderful summer!
To view photos of the week, click here .