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Philoxenia House


The Philoxenia House continues to welcome and share God’s love with individuals facing medical challenges. We have recently hosted guests from Ukraine and Greece and have many more requests for the spring and summer months from brethren throughout the world.

The Philoxenia House is the centerpiece of the Metropolis of Boston Ministries. With the continued commitment, support, and guidance of Metropolitan Methodios, the Metropolis Philoptochos Board, together with the support of local Philoptochos Chapters, organizations, and private donors, the Philoxenia House continues to embrace all who come with a great deal of love.

The May commitment for the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos and its Chapters is the Philoxenia House.

Last year, the Metropolis Board unanimously voted to maintain the living room and kitchen at the Philoxenia House. This past year, new window treatments were installed in the living room. In addition, the kitchen was updated with the purchase of several electrical appliances and items of cookware.

The Amazon Philoxenia House wish list has been updated. This list may be found on the Metropolis website as well as on the Metropolis Philoptochos website. Scanning the QR code below will bring you directly to the Amazon wish list, which has been an invaluable source for obtaining needed items.

We thank you for your continued support, love, and prayers for this vital ministry.

It was an honor to be able to present you with this check for the Philoxenia House.  After spending time there while undergoing treatment for cancer, I can truly say it is a place where you go to be close to God.  My time there was very special to me and I credit it with help in my recovery.  Thank you!

                                                          Chris, from Holy Trinity, Concord, NH






The Philoxenia House, founded in 1986, is the centerpiece of the Philanthropic Ministry of the Metropolis of Boston.

The Philoxenia House opens its embrace to people who find themselves in Boston for medical reasons. The Resident Guests travel from throughout the world to this “home away from home” primarily from Greece and Cyprus, but also from Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Albania, as well as America. The common language of the Philoxenia House is the language of love, understanding, kindness and compassion. Patients are infants, children, young adults, senior citizens and everyone in between. They are premature babies who are blind, adults and youngsters suffering from cancer, transplant patients, and burn victims.

Thanks to the very generous support of the donors, volunteers, and visitors from our local parishes, such as Ladies Philoptochos Societies, GOYA groups and national charitable organizations the Philoxenia House is able to continue opening its embrace to those in need.


2018 Update