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May 20th, 2023- Portsmouth, NH - 25th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood Celebration for Fr. Dimitrios Moraitis

On Saturday, May 20th, the parish of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Portsmouth held a beautiful event in honor of their parish priest, Fr. Dimitrios Moraitis, his Presbytera Flora, and their two adult daughters, Arsenia and Chrisoula, in recognition of his 25 years of service in the Holy Priesthood. Along with His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, many former and current parishioners traveled from Saint Demetrios Church in Chicago, Saints Constantine and Helen Church in Fayetteville, NC, Saint Paraskevi Parish in Greenlawn, New York, and Saint Spyridon Cathedral in Worcester, MA.   Father's ethos, character, and tireless service to the priesthood were praised by all who spoke at the banquet.


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