MBC Fall Camp 2022
(view all pictures from the weekend by clicking here)
This past weekend the Metropolis of Boston Camp (MBC) hosted their annual fall camp program. Close to 200 young people gathered at the campground in beautiful Contoocook New Hampshire to express their faith and enrich their relationships with one another. The camp program consisted of fun and engaging fall themed activities and a field trip to two local farms. On his visit to the camp Sunday evening into the following morning, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios described the atmosphere as “enthusiastic” and “full of energy” as he experienced first hand just how much fun and excitement these young people had throughout their time up at the camp.
Saturday morning consisted of a full day on the campground which followed a similar schedule to the summer camp program. Kids arrived for registration around 9:30 am and immediately following this were thrust into the fun! They participated in many engaging activities in rotations called the “Fall Fiesta”. Their excitement towards the program radiated throughout the entire weekend especially during mealtimes. For the first time since 2019, MBC hosted their meals back in their cafeteria which allowed the kids to engage with one another in a more communal setting. Following lunch, more sessions took place including pumpkin carving and scarecrow racing. From these sessions the entire camp moved into free time, and then time alone in their cabins to grow closer to their fellow campers and staff members and get prepared for the rest of the day.
At MBC, everyone wants to have wholesome and inclusive fun. This is made possible through the implementation of the Greek Orhtodox faith throughout the program. An example of this implementation is when everyone gathers at Saint George Chapel for vespers after cabin time. Here, all of the camp engages and participates in communal prayer with a beautiful choir consisting of dozens of campers and staff members. Following vespers, the campers went to dinner and then participated in an Orhtodox Life session in which they reflected on the theme of the weekend “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” - Matthew 6:33. That night, everyone had the opportunity to engage in the evening activity called the “Fall Festival” which had stations lined up such as face painting, potato sack racing, and a bouncy obstacle course!
On Sunday, the campers woke up and went to celebrate the Divine Liturgy! The camp then took a trip to a local apple orchard, called Gould Hill Farm, where they picked apples and enjoyed homemade apple cider and donuts. From there, they drove to Beech Hill Farm and got to experience a corn maze, petting zoo, and eat homemade ice cream! The fun continued once everyone got back to camp as the costume dance party was underway! From M&M costumes to Mario and Luigi,, the campers went all out dressing up and had the time of their lives Sunday night greek dancing and having fun beyond belief!
As the campers were leaving Monday afternoon it was evident that many of them did not want to leave and go back home. MBC is their home away from home and most of the kids, given the opportunity, would stay there for a lifetime. However, camp is not lost after they leave. The atmosphere is taken back to their schools, their home parishes, and their local communities. Fall Camp 2022 was a complete success in large part due to the community that was built during this past weekend! No matter where one goes throughout the metropolis, they can always find a piece of this thriving community thanks to the young people who attend camping programs year round!
Louis Stamoulis, MBC Program Director