Rev. Fr. Constantine Newman
Parish Priest
Holy Trinity
68 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301
Voice: (603) 225-2961
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Fr. Constantine Newman is married to Anna Zoppi of Zurich, Switzerland, and has 4 children: Nicholas, Elena, Alexander and Dimitri; and 2 grandchildren: Orlando and Clayton. He holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the Johns Hopkins University, and has taught at the University of Hawaii, Hellenic College, the University of New Hampshire, and Southern New Hampshire University. He received his M.Div from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He was ordained a priest by Metropolitan Methodios in 1993 and is presently the Proistamenos of Holy Trinity Church in Concord, New Hampshire. He has a great love for the hymns of the Orthodox Church as poetic expressions of theology, and for the Fathers of the Church. At present he is working on a translation of the sermons of St. Zeno of Verona for Corpus Christianorum, and a translation of the sermons of St. George of Nicomedia. For fun he enjoys learning languages, collecting Roman Imperial coins, and cake decorating.