Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Clapsis
Metropolis of Boston
Retired, Brookline, MA 02445
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Fr. Emmanuel Clapsis has taught at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology since 1985, specializing in Dogmatic Theology and also teaching courses that relate Orthodox theology to modern and post modern sensibilities. He became tenured professor of Systematic Theology in 2003 and was appointed Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology in 2010. His publications include: Orthodoxy in Conversation: Orthodox Ecumenical Engagements (Holy Cross Press/WCC Publications, 2000), The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic World (WCC Publications, 2004), and Violence and Christian Spirituality (WCC Publications, 2007). Fr. Clapsis has served as the Vice Moderator of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches (1991-1998) and commissioner of Faith and Order Commission of the U.S. National Council of Churches (1985-1991). He has also participated in the theological dialogues of Orthodox Church with the Evangelical Lutheran Church (USA) and the Roman Catholic Church.