Rev. Fr. Robert Archon
Parish Priest
St. Athanisus
4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476
Voice: (781) 646-0705
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Fr. Robert Archon grew up in Flushing Queens, NY until the age of 15 when, subsequent to his father’s retirement from the Navy, he moved to Fresno, CA. There he became a jeweler before preparing to study for the priesthood. Rev. Fr. Robert J. Archon graduated from Holy Cross School of Theology in 1986 and served as an Assistant Priest at St. Nicholas in Flushing, N.Y., then served the Annunciation Church in Elkins Park, PA., and finally at St. Mark in Boca Raton, Florida.
He currently is serving at St. Nicholas in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with his wife Caliope and their youngest daughter Erin who is a Sophomore at Keene State College, New Hampshire. Their oldest daughter Nicole graduated from Florida State University in Boca Raton, Florida majoring in Communications. Fr. Robert has completed a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at LaSalle University as a Psychologist. He studied in Thessaloniki, Greece at the Balkans Institute. He has been asked to participate on the first IOCC Team to assist Bosnian refugees, led a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, accompanied the Archons to the Patriarchate (Istanbul, Turkey) upon the return of the sacred relics of SS. Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom from the Vatican. He is also the only clergyman ever to board Air Force One by President George Bush. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios has asked him to offer his leadership abilities in being the Keynote speaker for the Metropolis on Leadership Training.