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Installation of Fr. Tom Chininis as Proistamenos of St. Demetrios Church, Weston, MA

On September 29th, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios presided over the Divine Liturgy at St. Demetrios in Weston, MA. The service was filled with joy and enthusiasm, and many people attended. His Eminence installed the parish's new priest, Father Tom Chinnis, who previously served as the Dean of the Annunciation Cathedral. Father Tom was welcomed by the parish council and members serving in various ministries of the church. His Eminence's remarks focused on Father Tom's new role in serving this new community with dignity and humility to the Church family. Fr. Chinnis was overwhelmed with gratitude to His Eminence, his family, and the Parish Council. He promised to strive to serve the community to the best of his ability. Following the service the parish organized a heartwarming communal meal for all the members, a testament to the warmth of the church community.

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