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Pastoral Reflections

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Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

After traveling and living with Jesus for three years, listening to all his inspiring words, witnessing his amazing miracles, observing his life of love for all people, everything seems to culminate in the events of yesterday. For the Apostles, going to Bethany where Jesus’ dear friend Lazarus had died and been buried in a tomb four days prior, they thought that the Lord would simply comfort the sisters Martha and Mary, giving them words of hope and strength in the midst of their mourning. Yet Christ not only shocked everyone with his greatest miracle – giving life to a man who had been dead four days – but he reaffirmed His divine identity to His followers. “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though they may die, they shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26) Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

How strong is your faith? Have you thought about how your faith has changed over the years? Have you nourished it and has it grown over, say, the last 10 years, or has it weakened and withered and become more uncertain? Of course, for you who come to Church, you obviously have nourished your faith to at least some degree, and that’s why you’re here on a Sunday. How sincere, though, are we in cultivating a living, vibrant faith and relationship to God? Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

“May God bless you with a life of sacrifice, a life of struggle, maybe a short-lived life and a life denying your own desires and serving others?” Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Why do we find it so hard to forgive others? Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Recently I spoke with a 62 year old woman who is dying. Several months ago her doctors told her that she has six months to live due to a rare form of cancer. Of course, this woman is extremely sad at her prospects. Yet she is preparing herself for what may happen much sooner than she ever dreamed about. She is making her funeral arrangements. She called me up to talk about the funeral service. She’s confronting the likelihood that she will die soon. Obviously, life takes on a radically new perspective when confronted with such reality. Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

How many of us think we’re better than some others? Honestly, how many of us have judged someone else, thinking that we’re not like them because we’re better? We condemn others, while we praise ourselves before God! Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

How many of us think we’re better than some others? Honestly, how many of us have judged someone else, thinking that we’re not like them because we’re better? We condemn others, while we praise ourselves before God! Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

The Bible teaches us, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” Christ encourages us to “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be open to you.” A central element of our understanding of Orthodox Christianity has to do with FAITH. If we believe, not in ourselves, but in God, then nothing can limit or hinder us. St. Paul even writes, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Jesus told to his disciples, “You did not choose me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last” (Jn 15:16). Understanding this foundation of faith helps us see today’s Gospel lesson from a new perspective. Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Distractions. How many of us find ourselves distracted? From our phones? Social media? 24/7 News? Never-ending sports? Constant distractions all around us. Distractions that don’t allow time to sit in silence, reflect or meditate, or even focus in prayer. Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Who are we? And how do we identify ourselves? In fact, what would we say is our primary identity in our lives? Which identity do we value most? Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

“Give thanks in all circumstances!” This was the response that an amazing prisoner gave me, when I asked him how he maintained such a grateful spirit inside the medium security prison where he lived. I met this man over a three year period when I would weekly visit a prison during my seminarian years. Throughout my friendship with this man, he shared with me how he was serving a life sentence with no chance of parole. Yet, while in prison he encountered Jesus Christ and had a radical conversion of faith. Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

A new year has begun and the entire world is happy to say goodbye to 2020 and to welcome 2021 with hope for a better year! We all pray that this will be the year that we put the global pandemic behind and start to normalize our lives once again. Yet, take care and reflect on what “normal” is. Should we go back to what our “normal life” was? Listen »

Fr. Luke A. Veronis

“There is more to life than being happy.” How many people agree with that statement? As we enter into a new year, I want to draw our attention to this challenging statement – “There is more to life than being happy.” What do you think could be more important than a “happy life?” Or maybe the question should be, how do we understand what a truly happy life is? Listen »

Fr. Luke A. Veronis

Following the fall of communism in Albania, there was a state-run orphanage where 100 boys and girls lived under squalid conditions. With the freedom of religion came the opportunity for the Church to be more involved in these state institutions, and to bring such children the joy and good news of Christmas. A priest and some of his parishioners happened to go to this orphanage and share the Christmas Story with all the children. He told them about the Virgin Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem finding no room in the inn. How the holy family found refuge in a cave, where the baby Jesus was born, and how they placed Him in a manger among the animals. Listen »

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