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Pastoral Reflections

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Tomorrow, we will reach the midpoint of Great Lent... Listen »

In our world of quick fixes and transformations, the Church proclaims a new makeover... Listen »

Halfway between the beginning of Lent and Palm Sunday, we are reminded to venerate the Cross... Listen »

In the midst of Great Lent it would be interesting to take a ‘Spiritual Audit'... Listen »

Today our lives are so full of the demands of work and family that often precious little time is left for us to cultivate our spiritual life... Listen »

“If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Listen »

Deep down, we usually know what God is saying to us... Listen »

Each of us is seeking direction in our life... Listen »

I am reminded of what I learned in my first year of youth ministry 19 years ago...SILENCE IS GOLDEN! Listen »

What is prayer? Is it an almost magical attempt to influence God, to change his will or to call Him to his duties? Listen »

You enter the Church and take your pew. You find yourself in an holy environment... Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

“Today is the beginning of our salvation, and the revelation of the mystery of ages, 
for the Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin.” Listen »

As we seek to improve ourselves spiritually during this holy time... Listen »

Rev. Dr. Demetrios E. Tonias

When the Disciples of Christ were unable to cast out the demon from a young man, their master admonished them saying that the demon could only be cast out by prayer and fasting. The Great Forty Days is a time we when we are called to a heightened awareness of prayer and fasting. Listen »

St. Paul tells us to “pray constantly”... Listen »

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