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Pastoral Reflections

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The first Sunday of the Great Lent is known to many as the Triumph of Orthodoxy... Listen »

Today, in all of our parishes, we celebrate the life of Christ in the Divine Liturgy even as we remember our departed loved ones... Listen »

On this night in most parishes there is a beautiful prayer service dedicated to the Theotokos... Listen »

The Great Lent in the Orthodox Church is unique not only among Christians but even in comparison to other faiths... Listen »

When I was a teenager I learned a simple truth that a true relationship must go both ways... Listen »

One of the most powerful services in our liturgical cycle is the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete... Listen »

The Church in Her wisdom gives us this time during Great Lent to assist us in refocusing our attention on the inner and more substantive issues in our life that relate to faith, daily living, spirituality, life and death. Listen »

Today is the last day before Great Lent. This day is dedicated to Forgiveness; from God and from each other. Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

Let us use these tools of the Lenten season – fasting, discipline, ascesis – to help us cultivate more the essence of our faith – CONCRETE LOVE THROUGH SIMPLE ACTIONS TO ALL PEOPLE! Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

“Better is the person who has sinned, if he knows he has sinned and repents, than the person who has not sinned and thinks himself righteous.” Listen »

by: Fr. Al Demos

Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Listen »

by: Fr. Al Demos

Over the past few months we have heard about the scientific ability to clone a sheep. Fr. Demetrios Demopulos, one of my former students at the Seminary, is a brilliant priest who holds a Doctorate in Chemistry. He has commented recently, both as a theologian and a scientist about the cloning of “Dolly”, the ewe. Listen »

Rev. Fr. Luke A. Veronis

This week seven young men from my church and I visited St Nektarios Greek Orthodox Monastery in Roscoe, NY. I’m sure most people have never visited a monastery and have no clue of what Orthodox Christian monks and nuns do. Why do these men and women renounce the world and go off to live in a secluded monastery? Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

Let us use these tools of the Lenten season – fasting, discipline, ascesis – to help us cultivate more the essence of our faith – CONCRETE LOVE THROUGH SIMPLE ACTIONS TO ALL PEOPLE! Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

How many of us wish to be great in the eyes of God?  I would hope that any serious believer would make this a central goal in life – to be considered great in the eyes of God. And yet, how should we understand such spiritual greatness? What makes someone great? Listen »

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