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Pastoral Reflections

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The answer to life’s most troubling questions is simple... Listen »

It is so easy to fall into routine, often without realizing it! Listen »

It is no secret that one of the greatest obstacles to the growth of Christianity today is the life of most Christians... Listen »

Open unto me, O Giver of Life, the gates of repentance... Listen »

by Fr. Luke A. Veronis

I rarely preach politics from the pulpit. I realize in our congregation we have Democrats and Republican; we have those who may be more conservative and others more liberal. Our country is so divided, and if we talk politics, our own church family will quickly become divided. That is, we will become divided if we forget that our ultimate leader is Jesus Christ, and His call is for us to live under the reign of His Kingdom. Listen »

Have you ever been stopped dead in your tracks? Listen »

From our youth we have certainly learned that prayer is like having a conversation with God... Listen »

Tomorrow, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent is dedicated to Saint John Climacus... Listen »

Fasting is a constant means of renewing oneself spiritually... Listen »

Is your life the same ol’, same ol’? Is it full, is it non- existent? Listen »

When we seek God’s Kingdom, we don’t physically journey anywhere, yet we travel a great distance.... Listen »

Fr. Luke Veronis

“O Faithless generation. How long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” (Mk 9:19) Listen »

“I believe Lord, help my unbelief”. Listen »

Through the sanctification of the Cross, all the symbolism of the Old Testament becomes apparent... Listen »

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